Friday, April 1, 2011

Rant. Who the hell do people think they are when they judge someone's outfit. Honestly and seriously, the way someone dresses is apart of who they are. Like I always say too, it is an aesthetic art that is understood only from a minority of people in this universe. I can wear whatever I want and wherever, without having people look me up and down and question, "seriously?" Just saying.

Sportsgirl blouse, Sportsgirl lace blazer, Vintage laser cut belt, ASOS split maxi skirt.


  1. Who gives a shit! Werq it gurllllll.

  2. Its not what you wear, its your attitude...
    'it is an aesthetic art that is understood only from a minority of people in this universe.'
    So because you think you dress well you think youre a better than the 'rest of us' who don't 'understand' it??
    So over people who think they are superior because they think they dress well!! Get a grip!!

  3. I know how you feel! I'm from the 'burbs and when I walk around, I get all these strange stares. When I'm in the CBD no-one blinks an eyelid.

    I even heard these two ladies talking about my shoes when I was on the train, loudly enough for me to hear them and shoot death stares! It REALLY irks me.

  4. Hi Anonymous,

    Everyone is open to their opinions. What I believe is, fashion is a concept that is only understood by a "minority" because there is no judgement and respect for individualism. Yes, it's not what you wear, it is confidence and attitude! And when you have that, you feel superior and amazing! Ironic.

  5. Hi Anonymous,

    I'm so over people who think they are superior because they courageously hate on someone behind anonymity.


  6. you are so beautiful yen :)
